Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Indian Economy Under Attack & a sleepy leadership

Indian economy’s Achilles’ heal is its foreign currency reserves. However, in the recent years the forex coffers were overflowing thanks to the inflows from IT companies, investments in the growing stock market on the strength of a strong economic growth exceeding 7% while FDI also flowed in to tap the unlimited potential in India. India did not grow much during Nehru’s& Indira’s socialism. Both father and daughter were out of touch with reality and never understood the economics of positive capitalism nor the historical tradition of strong business culture of India. Some of the communities/castes in India are so business oriented that they left their mark all around the world including Europe, Africa, US, etc. (Ask who dominates some of the economies of Africa and who is the richest person in the UK – the answer is Indians)

Well Mr. Narasimgha Rao ended the stupidity of ill-conceived socialism and gave free hand to his then finance minister Dr. Man mohan Singh. Thereafter India boomed as the entrepreneurial spirit was freed from its bondage. India might have got the freedom in 1947, buts its economic freedom was in 1991.

Unless the current government show the will to pursue and do what is good for India, Indians and Indian economy in the long term, India’s growth story may soon be forgotten!. Financial Thoughts is concerned about the following two aspects:

1. Why does the central government hesitate to allow FDI in retail sector? We are not speaking about 100% but 49% or 51% in multi brand type. What would have happened to India if India rolled back its IT initiative just because there was a strong opposition and strike? Hope finance ministry shows some leadership in coming out with feasibility study supported by numbers to show and convince the opposition why the FDI is step in the right direction! (in my current role as Director-Consulting of a multinational consulting firm, I am involved with several feasibility studies.) It is a shame if Indian finance ministry lacks this talent!

2. RBI and its interest rate. Another set of IIP figures were released recently that show the dismal performance. As Financial Thoughts discussed in an earlier blog article, it is the unbearable interest burden RBI puts on the business. Someone was trying to justify higher interest rate saying that that RBI is concerned about India’s poor and it wants to fight food inflation ! What a joke? India’s retail distribution system is among the most inefficient in the world and every year tons & tons of wheat and grains decay in Food Corporation of India’s rat infested godowns! Improve the distribution system with the foreign retail giants and modernize the warehousing, storage and distribution.

Another reason is the corruption. Whatever grain put into the government sponsored subsidized system meant for the poorest of the poor gets diverted into black market by corrupt officials.

Can’t understand when these are the basic causes, how higher interest rates will control the food inflation. RBI is killing the business and economy in India. Finance Ministry is among the worst performer. Both RBI Governor (Subbha Rao) and Finance Minister (Pranab Mukerhjee) must be removed from the position.

It is the time for Annual Performance review for the managers of many companies, banks, etc. If we try to assess the performance, both these guys – RBI Governor and Finance Minister – must get ‘Not Met Expectations’ ‘Marginal/ Poor Performer’ etc. Under Jack Welch kind of management, both must be kicked out! More benevolent management would put them in some kind of performance improvement program, which Dr. Manmohan Singh must consider, if he decides continues with them.

The stupid RBI policies results in a vicious circles (i) Falling economic growth (triggered by the higher interest rates) will cause FII and FDI to fall, creating a vicious circle, resulting in more balance of payment pain because instead of attracting foreign currency, it will cause a flight f foreign investors! Hope India won’t become Argentina of 2001. There are many who are jealous of India and 'neo-George Soroses' could attack the Indian Rupee if they realise that the current trend of flight of FII will continue due to falling economic growth. RBI MUST ACT!! (ii) As mentioned in an earlier blog, falling economic growth will lead to bad debts resulting in reduced risk appetite of banks, further reducing the credit flow into the economy, creating another vicious circle.

Let us hope, some urgent prudent steps will be taken. Prudently, RBI must reduce the interest rates at the earliest to encourage more investment, expansion, CAPEX, etc. so that the economy starts growing above 7% attracting more FII and FDI improving/ stabilizing the exchange rates in India. The will avoid the vicious circles mentioned above.

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