On 26 Nov 2006, a few terrorists landed in a boat in Mumbai and began to attack the economic centres with an aim to bring havoc to Indian economy. They shot down business leaders and foreigners in historical Taj Hotel of Mumbai and a few other five star hotels, besides running amok in the City shooting and killing. They hoped that this will do damage to Indian economy, reduce its growth by scaring away foreign investors and dreamt about loss making Indian companies and a disillusioned population, amongst others.
India brushed aside this incident and marched ahead.
However, what terrorists could not accomplish RBI has achieved!
India once became tantalizingly close to 10% growth p.a. However, RBI beat Don Quixote (who found wind mills extremely dangerous fighters!) in seeing a monstrous threat in single digit inflation level and began to adopt such drastic measures that appeased those who were envious of India’s growth. The leadership of RBI must be able to think independently like Mr. Reddy did when he said no to the aggressive lobbying to allow funny credit derivatives in India.
Why was RBI in a hurry to raise interest rates to beat inflation, when the inflation was mostly caused by oil price hikes? It was evident that blindly copying text books don’t help. As Financial Thoughts highlighted last month, India needs more supplies – just by choking demand, the RBI kills the economy. And it seems that it is almost happening.
The recent economic data shows that the industry production is the lowest in the recent past. Who will go for expansion when the interest rates are uneconomically high and no feasible business transactions is possible? The result is that as expansions are curtailed, there are lots of signals of CAPEX declining. Capital goods production number within the recent IIP was negative 6.8%. As investments in the economy drop, the accelerator and multiplier effect works against the economy. Economic activities drop or dry up. Result is the sharp drop in turnover and profits while interest burden increases. No wonder many companies reported losses in the last quarter (Terrorists who hate India must sent a Thank You note to RBI).
Many say by next quarter, the banks will have higher NPA and the banks shares could drop. Not only that the banks will get scared and reduce lending. That could send the economy into another downward spiral (Well, Terrorists who hate India must sent another Thank You note to RBI)
Add to RBI’s fight against some imaginary hyperinflation, we have one of the most inefficient and corrupt government at the Centre. (When Vajpayee Govt. came to power, for the first time they identified the need for modern roads in India. If you drive at 100km p/h in three or four lane roads in North India, you must remember gratefully Mr. Vajpayee for his vision of linking the corridors through highways. This unleashed lot of investments, CAPEX and filled the pockets of millions of Indians resulting in an economic jump start that catapulted India into high growth from the so called low Hindu growth rate).
All governments that ruled India for more than 64 years (post- British Raj) are answerable to this - their record is just slightly better than British Raj. The Raj also brought in railways, telecommunications, electricity, etc. However, they governed India for their benefit and their Indian associates. Similarly, the post-independence rulers governed India for their benefit and their associates. That is what evident in the corruption and the corrupt politicians have enough connections to walk away with the ill-gotten wealth. British Raj shifted the most of the Indian wealth back to their country, while a bulk of the post-independent India’s wealth is being shifted to Swiss banks and other secret accounts. Although there is cry in India to bring back the wealth, it won’t happen because the ‘fox is the watchman over the pen (i.e. hen house)’.
One of the chief reasons for inflation and declining growth is the Government inertia. Plenty of of projects are being stalled by government departments or denied environment clearance or land acquisition issues and so forth. It saps the energy of Indian entrepreneurs and it impacts the economy.
What no one speaks is the Indian unemployment (already it is more than 20%-25%). The slowdown in the growth results in lesser opportunities. Frustrated youth will get more frustrated! But most of them will blame it on their unknown crimes of the past birth for this life’s troubles!. That is the Indian philosophy. They usually blame their previous birth for the troubles. That is, by the way, a good escape mechanism.
Financial thoughts believe, risking a little inflation and environment is nothing but a calculated risk for India’s growth, well-being of its population by having employment creation, more job opportunities, better price realization for agriculture produce that augur well for its farmers & farm labourers and overall wealth creation.
This means taking the risk of taking some criticism and blame in the foreign media and so called foreign ‘experts’, but Financial Thoughts it is worth taking this risk.
Overall, the situation is not out of totally out of control yet. By initiating steps to reduce the financing costs on borrowers and boosting the economic activity by favourable RBI policies (including immediate slashing of rates) and speedier action by Govt., Indian can still retain its 7.7% growth for current fiscal and ensure growth rates above 8% going forward.
Let us hope for the best!
Or let us emulate French Gunners (French Artillery was best in Europe those days) at Waterloo battle when Napoleon’s stupid decisions ensured that the battle was slipping away from them. Unable to do anything else, history records that that the French Gunners wept!!
India brushed aside this incident and marched ahead.
However, what terrorists could not accomplish RBI has achieved!
India once became tantalizingly close to 10% growth p.a. However, RBI beat Don Quixote (who found wind mills extremely dangerous fighters!) in seeing a monstrous threat in single digit inflation level and began to adopt such drastic measures that appeased those who were envious of India’s growth. The leadership of RBI must be able to think independently like Mr. Reddy did when he said no to the aggressive lobbying to allow funny credit derivatives in India.
Why was RBI in a hurry to raise interest rates to beat inflation, when the inflation was mostly caused by oil price hikes? It was evident that blindly copying text books don’t help. As Financial Thoughts highlighted last month, India needs more supplies – just by choking demand, the RBI kills the economy. And it seems that it is almost happening.
The recent economic data shows that the industry production is the lowest in the recent past. Who will go for expansion when the interest rates are uneconomically high and no feasible business transactions is possible? The result is that as expansions are curtailed, there are lots of signals of CAPEX declining. Capital goods production number within the recent IIP was negative 6.8%. As investments in the economy drop, the accelerator and multiplier effect works against the economy. Economic activities drop or dry up. Result is the sharp drop in turnover and profits while interest burden increases. No wonder many companies reported losses in the last quarter (Terrorists who hate India must sent a Thank You note to RBI).
Many say by next quarter, the banks will have higher NPA and the banks shares could drop. Not only that the banks will get scared and reduce lending. That could send the economy into another downward spiral (Well, Terrorists who hate India must sent another Thank You note to RBI)
Add to RBI’s fight against some imaginary hyperinflation, we have one of the most inefficient and corrupt government at the Centre. (When Vajpayee Govt. came to power, for the first time they identified the need for modern roads in India. If you drive at 100km p/h in three or four lane roads in North India, you must remember gratefully Mr. Vajpayee for his vision of linking the corridors through highways. This unleashed lot of investments, CAPEX and filled the pockets of millions of Indians resulting in an economic jump start that catapulted India into high growth from the so called low Hindu growth rate).
All governments that ruled India for more than 64 years (post- British Raj) are answerable to this - their record is just slightly better than British Raj. The Raj also brought in railways, telecommunications, electricity, etc. However, they governed India for their benefit and their Indian associates. Similarly, the post-independence rulers governed India for their benefit and their associates. That is what evident in the corruption and the corrupt politicians have enough connections to walk away with the ill-gotten wealth. British Raj shifted the most of the Indian wealth back to their country, while a bulk of the post-independent India’s wealth is being shifted to Swiss banks and other secret accounts. Although there is cry in India to bring back the wealth, it won’t happen because the ‘fox is the watchman over the pen (i.e. hen house)’.
One of the chief reasons for inflation and declining growth is the Government inertia. Plenty of of projects are being stalled by government departments or denied environment clearance or land acquisition issues and so forth. It saps the energy of Indian entrepreneurs and it impacts the economy.
What no one speaks is the Indian unemployment (already it is more than 20%-25%). The slowdown in the growth results in lesser opportunities. Frustrated youth will get more frustrated! But most of them will blame it on their unknown crimes of the past birth for this life’s troubles!. That is the Indian philosophy. They usually blame their previous birth for the troubles. That is, by the way, a good escape mechanism.
Financial thoughts believe, risking a little inflation and environment is nothing but a calculated risk for India’s growth, well-being of its population by having employment creation, more job opportunities, better price realization for agriculture produce that augur well for its farmers & farm labourers and overall wealth creation.
This means taking the risk of taking some criticism and blame in the foreign media and so called foreign ‘experts’, but Financial Thoughts it is worth taking this risk.
Overall, the situation is not out of totally out of control yet. By initiating steps to reduce the financing costs on borrowers and boosting the economic activity by favourable RBI policies (including immediate slashing of rates) and speedier action by Govt., Indian can still retain its 7.7% growth for current fiscal and ensure growth rates above 8% going forward.
Let us hope for the best!
Or let us emulate French Gunners (French Artillery was best in Europe those days) at Waterloo battle when Napoleon’s stupid decisions ensured that the battle was slipping away from them. Unable to do anything else, history records that that the French Gunners wept!!